MNCF is the voluntary wing of the Mindfulness Network charity. We know there is a deep desire within the mindfulness community for practice and connection.  

To find out how we can support your mindfulness practice or training, please take a look around this online, public space where you will find opportunities to practice, regular donation-based events, and a place to share free resources. 

All MNCF events are freely offered so please donate what you feel you can or just attend.

We warmly welcome you to this space!

MNCF Groups

Available courses

Number of topics: 1

Weekly guided mindfulness and compassion sessions at 8.15 am (UK Time)

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Number of topics: 0

Fortnightly mindfulness session for 8-week course graduates

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Number of topics: 3

Mindfulness for LGBTQIA+ was set up with the specific intention of creating a welcoming place for members of the LGBTQIA+ community to begin their mindfulness journey or deepen their practice.

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Number of topics: 0

Weekly practice group for Mandarin speakers (Mondays 16.15 Taipei/Beijing Time)

周一有約普通話共修團體 每周一下午 16.15 台北/北京時間  

周一有约普通话共修团体 每周一下午 16.15 台北/北京时间

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Number of topics: 17

Free mindfulness and compassion practices, videos and resources for the mindfulness community

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