周一有約: 每周一下午普通話修習 周一有约: 每周一下午普通话修习 Weekly Mandarin Practices with Debbie Hu, Pang Jun & Rebecca Ceng

正念修習: 周一下午16.15 pm  北京/台北時間 普通話

正念修习周一下午16.15 pm  北京/台北时间 普通话

PRACTICE: Monday 16.15 pm Beijing/Taipei Time in Mandarin




PRACTICE: Monday 16.15-16.45pm Beijing/Taipei Time

(北京/台北時間16.15-16.45pm )

(北京/台北时间16.15-16.45pm )

(Beijing/Taipei Time 16.15-16.45pm)




Every Monday 16.15-16.45pm Beijing/Taipei Time

正念網絡( Mindfulness Network), 我們提供免費的正念共修時間, 歡迎夥伴來參加. 普通話的正念共修時段, 由胡慧芳, 龐軍, 和曾靜老師帶領.

正念网络( Mindfulness Network), 我们提供免费的正念共修时间欢迎伙伴来参加普通话的正念共修时段由胡慧芳, 庞军, 和曾静老师带领.

At the Mindfulness Network, we would like to offer free mindfulness and compassion sessions to anybody who may wish to attend. The Mandarin practice sessions are supported by Debbie Hu, Pang Jun and Rebecca Ceng.


Join via Zoom 連結加入 ​连结加入

Meeting ID: 會議號/会议号: ​872 0075 7094

Passcode 密碼/密码: ​272789


加入者無須正念修習的經驗, 也不須事先註冊. 參與完全是免費的. 每次正念修習持續30分鐘. 包含了:








You do not have to be familiar with mindfulness practice to join. There is no need to register. The sessions are entirely free and should last around 30 minutes. Each session, unless otherwise stated, will include:

15-20 minute practice

5-10 minute teaching

A short final practice to end for you to take into your day


這些修習時段完全免費. 如果您想要捐獻給正念網絡, 數目大小都歡迎,

請見我們的捐獻網頁連結. Donations – The Mindfulness Network (mindfulness-network.org)



 Donations – The Mindfulness Network (mindfulness-network.org)

These sessions are free, however, a donation however small will help us to improve our support for mindfulness and compassion teachers. Find out more at: Donations – The Mindfulness Network (mindfulness-network.org)


在上線參與前, 可以免費下載Zoom的網路會議軟體, 以便參與免費的修習時段.


These free online practice sessions will be available using Zoom, an online conferencing facility which is free to download.  Please download Zoom prior to the session.


可以在此下載Zoom app 然後登入https://zoom.us/

可以在此下载Zoom app 然后登入https://zoom.us/

Download the Zoom app and sign in: https://zoom.us/



For support using Zoom: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us

修習時段開始前數分鐘可以先登入Zoom, 並將麥克風靜音.

修习时段开始前数分钟可以先登入Zoom, 并将麦克风静音.

A few minutes before the session is due to start you should be able to click on the link to join the session and then mute your microphone 

如對本修習團體有任何疑問,請隨時發送電郵至 communityfriends@mindfulness-network.org。週一至週五,我們每天都會查看電郵。

如对本修习团体有任何疑问,请随时发送电邮至 communityfriends@mindfulness-network.org。周一至周五,我们每天都会查看电邮。

Please feel free to email us at communityfriends@mindfulness-network.org to discuss any questions you may have about the group. The email account is checked daily Monday to Friday.

正念網路致力於安全的修習,我們制定了一項 "安全保護政策",規定了我們對每一位元接觸到正念網路的夥伴的責任。該政策請見鏈結 http://home.mindfulness-network.org/our-policies/

正念网络致力于安全的修习,我们制定了一项 "安全保护政策",规定了我们对每一位接触到正念网络的伙伴的责任。该政策请见链结 http://home.mindfulness-network.org/our-policies/

The Mindfulness Network is committed to safe practice and we have a Safeguarding Policy that sets out our duty of care to everyone who comes in to contact with the organisation. You can read about the policy here http://home.mindfulness-network.org/our-policies/



Mindfulness practices are suitable for most people, though there may be certain circumstances when it may be wiser not to practice formally. If you’re unsure about whether this is a good time to be coming along to this weekly practice group, please contact us with your questions. You can also contact us if you notice that taking part in a session has caused any increase in either physical or emotional difficulties. We will talk through with you how you can practice safely and where you may be able to access further support.



The Mindfulness Network Terms and Conditions apply (though payment and cancellation policies are not relevant for freely offered Events) and the Mindfulness Network can not accept any liability for any injury, loss, or damage, suffered during or in relation to the event, however this may be caused.

註冊正念網路通訊,瞭解更多活動資訊: http://home.mindfulness-network.org/newsletter/


Sign up for the Mindfulness Network newsletter to hear about more about our events: http://home.mindfulness-network.org/newsletter/

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