Diagrama de temas

  • Welcome!

    We know there is a deep desire within the mindfulness community for practice and connection. Rather than being a club with a membership, being a Mindfulness Network Community Friend (MNCF) is an open invitation to everyone and you do not need to have taken a course with the Mindfulness Network or register to be part of the community. 

    To find out how we can support your mindfulness practice or training, please take a look around our free, public space. In particular, you will find details of the weekly and monthly events and practice sessions on the dashboard calendar. All MNCF events are freely offered so please donate what you feel you can or just attend.

    The space is yours and we welcome ideas for any mindfulness practice sessions and events you would like us to offer. 

    A warm welcome to everyone,  we look forward to connecting with you.

    - The Mindfulness Network Community Friends Committee -