• 個人的正念修習: 與崔西.巴特利和布里姬特.歐尼爾對談Personal Practice with Trish Bartley and Bridgette O'Neill

    • 布里姬特崔西兩人修習正念的時間加總起來超過47年,而教授和培訓正念課程超過40年。與他們一起反思,多年來個人修習在生命和教學中扮演的的角色。以更廣的角度來探索個人經驗,如靈感的來源、共同的挑戰和悖論,以及正念修習和教學中持續的支持等。一起來反思是什麼啟發、支持和更新了他們的個人修習。

      Between them Bridgette and Trish have been practicing mindfulness for more than 47 years and teaching and training Mindfulness Based Programmes for more than 40 years. Join them as they reflect on the role of personal practice in their lives and teaching across the years. Their personal experiences is explored in relation to broader themes regarding sources of inspiration, common challenges and paradoxes and ongoing sources of support in practicing and teaching mindfulness. Together they reflect on what inspires, supports and refreshes their practice.

    • 這部影音長約1小時30分,現場錄音於2021年12月15日周四。普通話版是由胡慧芳Debbie Hu邀請安排,范明瑛Michelle Fan與陳珮馨Betty Chan同步口譯錄音,陳恩光錄音師後製完成。

      This video is approximately 1 hour and 30minutes long, recorded live on 15 December 2021.

    • 這部影音長約1小時30分,現場錄音於2021年12月15日周四。普通話版是由胡慧芳Debbie Hu邀請安排,范明瑛Michelle Fan與陳珮馨Betty Chan同步口譯錄音,陳恩光錄音師後製完成。