Looking for mindfulness teachers to explore the spiritual and/or secular nature of their personal practice and teaching

Looking for mindfulness teachers to explore the spiritual and/or secular nature of their personal practice and teaching

by Joelle Morgan -
Number of replies: 0

Does secular mindfulness have a spiritual dimension?

Whilst 8-week mindfulness courses are often described as ‘secular’ there has been research in recent years investigating whether these mindfulness courses in fact influence the spirituality of the participants. This research has been based upon questionnaires completed by participants prior to, and following, completion of a MBSR course but has not considered the experiences of those who teach. In my research study I hope to explore some of the views and experiences of those who teach mindfulness in a mainstream setting regarding the spiritual and/or secular nature of their personal practice and teaching. It is my hope that the results of the study may enhance the understanding of the wider mindfulness community regarding this subject.

If you teach mindfulness in a mainstream setting, have a personal mindfulness practice and would be willing to take part in a one-hour interview via Zoom or telephone landline please contact me, Sue, by email: sep803@bangor.ac.uk. I will then send you more details about the study so you can decide if you are happy to participate.