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  • Donation Event: 'Disrupting White Mindfulness' Race and Racism in the Wellbeing Industry - with Cathy-Mae Karelse in conversation with Alison Evans

    Cathy-Mae Karelse's new book Disrupting White Mindfulness explores how the precious practice of mindfulness, as popularly packaged in the West, lands mainly with a select, elite audience. The book unpacks how this reality comes about, how it remains entrenched, and how we might collectively build forward differently. The emphasis is that this is ALL our work. Courage to change the things we must applies as much to shifting the dominant narratives, patterns, and norms of the Mindfulness Industry as it does to upturning inequities in our families, communities, and societies, and Othering in ourselves. Equally, opening our hearts to embrace difference allows us to see mindfulness as liberation for all. 

    • Can we step beyond what is known, to hear and respond to calls that merge inner and outer landscapes of contemplation to foster collective freedom? 
    • Could this potentially offer a pathway that heals what appears as my inner disaffection, as mine
    • Might this avenue help us feel more connected and whole?